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book 11, rebuilding

book 11, rebuilding

book 11, rebuilding

Book 11 is a roller-coaster ride with two major adventures in the mix – in China and in South Africa.

While the town starts to find its footing, the main characters face challenge after challenge, some personal, some for the town, some for some greater good, and sometimes they have to fight their way back to each other.

Saying all this, there are cheerful highlights, and Zoe in particular provides some of those.

Covid wasn’t part of the original story, and I’m still a little undecided whether to include it. On the other hand, it’s a perfect opportunity to illustrate that the directions taken in the town experiment make sense.

Book 11 will be published in several books.

I can’t get used to the ten. Really, when people think you’re nine years old, they are nicer. But ten years, and people think you’re already grown up, and they can shout at you, and demand things of you.

book 11, rebuilding


The aftermath



A first Christmas


South Africa


The ritual


A deal

Another Christmas
