Charlie Alice Raya

book 3/1, shaping

arrivals & shaping

Take a peek at the story and read snippets from each of the five chapters >

‘Good morning, everyone, and welcome to our livestream on this mild September morning. Today is the first day of the second phase of our town project.’

This is the beginning of book 3/1, arrivals & shaping.

The first day in book 3/1 alone is packed with encounters of all sorts, allowing the reader to dive straight into the heart of the town project and also into the hearts of some of the main characters.

Two weeks later, members from the international teams arrive and add yet more layers to the project and the story, not without causing some jealousy and raising more questions.

By October all teams ride the waves of enthusiasm, rethinking and shaping. Highlights are the Yards complex, the Roof Gardens, the stunning town library, clashes and strangest moments, the purposefully composed town layout, tourism rethought, community shaped, some worries – and Halloween, the first for Alice and a lot of fun for the project kids and the teams.

A project like this doesn’t go unnoticed and both interested people and the opposition allow for some comical and sharp dialogues.

As this book reaches its final pages, the reader might already sense that some things which have been brewing in the background are about to bubble up.


Other topics get some space, too, such as transgender, non-binary gender, breasts, narratives, racism, religion, sitting, interdisciplinary work, reality, relationships, freedom, business practices & business ideas, racism and sexism in film, and more.